Monday 28 April 2014


If you prefer you can do it with lego.

Lego building blocks
Lego train rails

 1 Make an outline of how it will look on paper roller coaster when ready. Calculate how many pieces of track will be needed for the size of the roller coaster. The bigger the line, the bigger the roller coaster.

     2  Started by providing pathways such as have drawn. Organize your Lego blocks to make it easier to test different parts as you go. Make ups or curls to the track to make it interesting.

   3  Try the curlers with a car to see if the height is correct. This will also serve to test if you added some curves. If a car gets on the track, adds another. Keep adding cars until you reach the desired number of cars on the road.

The corrx

roller coasters


How to make a roller coaster:

1 Cut the pipe insulation in half to have a track 12 feet (3.60 m). Adhere the two sections with tape. Apply the tape along the bottom of the track. Determine where you will build the roller coaster. This model is not mobile and must be built in the classroom. The beginning of the roller coaster should be 3.5 feet (1.05 m ) above the ground .

 2 Cut a strip of cardboard of four inches (10.16 cm ) wide square cardboard . Fold in half to form two legs remaining stops on a flat surface. This will be the first holder of the roller coaster. Cut a strip of cardboard second four inches (10.16 cm ) wide square cardboard . Cut this strip in half to form 2 feet. Fold one in half to make the second support roller coaster . Cut another section and fold in half to form the support of the third hill. Cut a small circle at the top of each support to prevent the track from slipping.

 3 It measures 3.5 feet (1.05 m) from the floor and tape one end of the tube attached to a table or even to keep it at this point . Fold gently into the tube where he is touching the floor and placed the stand 2 feet (60 cm) below the first hill. Fold the tube with the osporte suidado 1 foot (30 cm) below the second hill again and coloa . Repeat for the lower hill. Place the paper cup into soil at the end of the track so that the marble into it.
4 Give a marble roller coaster . The size of the marble affect energy , so it is possible that the hills be adjusted slightly. So that they are lower , separated a little stand legs .


logic gates

The logic gates are the particles that are inside a microchip.

Thursday 20 March 2014

"Six Flags" Field trip questions

Individual ride questionnaire:
Name of the Ride:___________________________________________________
1.- Does it use Potential and/or Kinetic energy?
2.- Why don’t rollercoasters fall down whilst in a loop?*
3.- Which forces are at work in the ride?
4.- Why is this ride fun?
5.- How does the ride come to a stop?
6.- Is this the strongest ride in the park?
7.- What is the speed of the ride?
8.-  What is the pull or push felt right before a ride begins?
9.- How many “G’s” do we experience in the ride?
10.- Describe the sensations experiences during the ride.
11.- What is the maximum height of the ride?

General Questionnaire:
1.- Which was the first ride built in the park? Was it fast?
2.- How does the Superman use magnets?
3.- Kilauea: When you begin your downward movement, does the ride push down or is it only gravity pulling down?
4.- Why do we experience changes in speed during the ride?
5.- How fast does the superman ride move?
6.- Why is there a motor at the top of the Boomerang ride?
7.- Why do you feel like flying in the Superman ride?
8.- What are “G’s”?
9.-Can a rollercoaster kill you?
10.- Why does Splash mountain move so much water?
11.- Who designs and builds the rides in the park?