Tuesday 28 January 2014

A math riddle!

Here is a riddle challenge for you:

You see an mp3 player at the store that costs 97 dollars.

You don't have the money so your dad gives you a 50 dollar bill and your mom gives you another 50.

You buy the mp3 player and the clerk gives you back 3 dollars.

You give back your dad 1 dollar, then you give back your mom 1 dollar and you keep the other dollar.

You owe your dad 49 dollars, and your mom 49 dollars.

49 + 49 = 98 dollars, plus the dollar you kept as change is 99 dollars, that is 49 + 49 + 1 = 99 dollars

If they lent you 100 dollars, what happened to the missing dollar???

Monday 27 January 2014

Hello RED team , this is Majo


What is electricity?

  1. 1.
    a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
    synonyms:power, electric power, energycurrentstatic

Thursday 23 January 2014

Wednesday 22 January 2014

We have our Central Idea!!!

Los avances logrados por la humanidad han causado diversos cambios en el mundo y en nuestra sociedad; es nuestra responsabilidad hacer uso de ellos para el bien común.

Monday 20 January 2014

The Blues! ¡Equipo Azul!

Our subjects: Sport's technology, Medicine, Microbiology, Human body and how drugs work.

Nuestros temas: Tecnología en el deporte, Medicina, Microbiología, El cuerpo humano, y como funcionan las drogas.

Team GREEN! ¡Equipo Verde!

Our Subjects: Greek Mythology, Sports in different cultures, World traditions, Automotive history, Mexican painters, War, The renaissance, Astronomy.

Nuestros temas: Mitología griega, El deporte en diferentes culturas, Tradiciones del mundo, Historia del automóvil, Pintores mexicanos, Guerra, El renacimiento, Astronomía.

Team YELLOW!!! ¡¡¡Equipo Amarelo!!!

Our Subjects: Gastronomy, Music, Art History, Cinema, Media and Architecture.

Nuestros Temas: Gastronomía, Música, Historia del arte, Medios y Arquitectura.

Team ORANGE! ¡Los Naranjas!


       Frank Lloyd Wright                                            Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Our Subjects: Gastronomy, Music, Art History, Cinema, Media and Architecture.

Nuestros Temas: Gastronomía, Música, Historia del arte, Medios y Arquitectura.

RED team! ¡Los Rojos!

Newton and Franklin

Our subjects: Electricity, Special effects, Robotics, Technology and mobiles, Roller coasters and GRAVITY!

Temas: Electricidad, Efectos especiales, Robótica, Tecnología y telefonía Mobil, Montañas rusas y GRAVEDAD!