Thursday 2 May 2013

2 de Octubre 1968 – Manifestación estudiantil en Tlatelolco.

En julio de 1968 durante el gobierno del presidente Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, se iniciaron una serie manifestaciones y marchas estudiantiles en la Ciudad de México que criticaban el autoritarismo del gobierno, apoyaban las protestas en el mundo, pedían se respetara la autonomía universitaria y exigían la libertad de los presos políticos. A los estudiantes de la UNAM se unieron los del Instituto Politécnico Nacional y todos los centros educativos de la Ciudad de México; después asociaciones de maestros y sindicatos hasta convertirse en un gran movimiento social. Con representantes de todos ellos se formó el Consejo Nacional de Huelga que a mediados de septiembre empezó a sufrir una severa represión con la entrada del ejército a la Ciudad Universitaria. En ese momento se calcula que había una docena de muertos y alrededor de 100 detenidos o desaparecidos.
El 2 de octubre de ese año se convocó a una manifestación en la Plaza de las Tres culturas en Tlatelolco. El movimiento estaba ya declinando con muchos de sus líderes encarcelados pero el ambiente social estaba muy tenso a 10 días de iniciarse los juegos olímpicos. Unos minutos después de iniciada la manifestación, con los líderes que quedaban libres y un orador en el tercer piso del Edificio Chihuahua, un helicóptero del ejército mexicano lanza unas bengalas sobre la multitud. Con esta señal, militares, paramilitares y francotiradores abren fuego contra los 5000 manifestantes, estudiantes en su mayoría. El número de muertos es desconocido hasta la fecha, pero se sitúa entre 300 y 500, con más 2000 detenidos. Este fue el fin de movimiento estudiantil, los Juegos Olímpicos se celebraron 10 días después en la Ciudad de México sin incidentes.
En su 5º. Informe de gobierno en 1969, 11 meses después, el presidente Gustavo Díaz Ordaz dijo “Asumo íntegramente la responsabilidad personal, ética, social, jurídica, política e histórica por las decisiones del gobierno en relación con los sucesos del año pasado”. Él consideraba que había cumplido con su deber al “salvar a México del comunismo”, cuya implantación jamás fue uno de los objetivos del movimiento estudiantil.

Fuente: Universidad de Guadalajara;

Monday 29 April 2013

PYP Exhibit song

“Don’t you worry world”

There was a time…. We used to look into the magazines.
We saw the world… it was alright but it could be improved.
Culture and art helped to make a better world for all…
Keep our traditions …. Don’t let them all disappear.

There stood a child suffering bullying,
 in the classroom and the patio…
We must remember that the law protects
My father said
Don´t you worry,  don´t you worry child
 Respect and happiness are yours
 Don´t you worry don´t you worry now
 Yeah !
 Don´t you worry, don´t you worry child
 Respect and happiness are yours.
 Don´t you worry don´t you worry child


Our lives today,
are controlled by the economy
And our crusade,
Is to do away with poverty...
And so we seek... equality round the world
Just hear our song... peace and love across the Earth

No more war, we just want peace
Communication is the answer
Lest we forget we need to be the change
My father said

Don’t you worry, don’t you worry world
We’re gonna end slavery
Don’t you worry, don´t you worry world
Yeah ! oh oh oh oh oh oh oh  ( 3 times )
Olinca’s got a plan for you
Don´t you worry, don´t you worry world
Olinca’s a plan for you
Don´t you worry, don´t you worry world

Tuesday 5 March 2013

1-Do you have a gun?
2-Do your parents have a gun? 
3-Would you touch a gun?
4-In some countries they give guns to children. Do you think that teaching a kid to use a gun, would bring peace?
5-In some countries they give guns to teachers to protect their children. Do you think that your teacher is really protecting you?
6-Are guns really making peace in society? 
7-Do you think that we can live without war?
8-Do you think that hunger is cause of war?
9-Do you think that if we finish with hunger we will solve other problems?
10-Do yuo think tha we can live with out war? 
Poll´s Questions Arantxa Sanchez María José Aguilar


1- Do you think that Mexico is safe?

2- Have you ever shot a gun?

3- Would you like to shoot a gun?

4- Do you think war is good?

5- Would you like to be part of a war?

6- Do you think poverty causes war?

7- Have you ever went to a place where war is happening?

8- Have you ever seen a person dying of hunger?


Wednesday 27 February 2013

Jeremy Gilley visited Olinca!

What was your inspiration for creating Peace one day?

 After talking to 4th and 5th PYP and 1st MYP, telling them about his project and his proposals for this year's peace day, Jeremy helped Olinca students conduct a video conference call with Stretford High School in Manchester!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

One day of peace

Why was Jeremy Gilley so interested in one day of peace?

Why did Jeremy Gilley want a sponsor for peace one day? Did he think that people wouldn´t pay
attention to his idea?

Why would the US prefer to be at war in the days of peace? only for the economy?

Bernardo Villanueva

Why doesn't Jeremy Gilley's idea of peace one day work very well?

Why didn't many countries like his idea?

Why does the US sell weapons on the day of peace?

Enrique Manuel

Peace one day

1° Why not every day instead of one day?

2° Why did you continue to talk about peace one day if you knew that you weren´t convincing many countries?

3° Which country was the hardest to convince about having a peace day?

4° When you go to a country, do you make an appointment to talk to the president about your

5° To what people did you go to talk to about your idea?

6° How did you feel when you were in Afghanistan?

7° Why did you do a movie of the process for peace day?

8° About how many lives did you save when you made peace one day?

9° Why coca-cola and not pepsi or another company?

10° Do you like going to many countries to convince them to join in?

11° About how many people have you seen die in front of you?

12° How long did your project last until someone accepted your idea?

13° How many people rejected your idea?

14° How many people accepted and supported your idea?

Alejandra Morales

Jeremy Gilley

1° Why did you want to create the peace day?

2° How much time did the project last?

3° How many people did you have meet to complete your project?

4° Have you received any threats or attacks and if so how many?

5° When did you start working on the peace day?

6° How many children have you saved?

7° In which place you have saved more people?

8° Why did you want Coca cola Company to sponsor your peace day?

9° Why Coca cola and not another company?

10° How did you get Coca cola company to help your project?

11° Which famous person helped the most?

Arantxa and Sofía

Monday 25 February 2013

Jeremy Gilley questions

1.       Why did you think of one day of peace and not more?
2.       Who was your inspiration to create a day of peace?
3.       Who was the person who helped you the most in your campaign to promote a peace day?
4.       What country did you convince first?
5.       What country was the most difficult to convince?
6.       Why did you have the idea to write PEACE on a Coca-Cola can?
7.       What did you feel when the Coca-Cola company accepted your idea?
8.       When you were promoting your idea, were you scared that they wouldn’t accept it?
9.       Did your childhood have something related to peace day?
10.   Do you think your project works?
11.   Do you think that your project already made a change?
12.   Has your project benefited the world?
  Mariana Romero y Maria Jose Aguilar

¨Who will you make peace with?¨

1.  Why is it so important to make peace only for one day?

2. Why did Jeremy decide to convince people about having a peace day?

3. What happened the first day they celebrated peace day?

4. Which countries easily supported the Peace day from the beginning?

5. Who where the countries that Jeremy wanted to help?

Alessandra , Mariana , Fatima  and Regina

Peace day

Why did you want to create a peace day?

 When did you start to think of a peace day?

 What did you study in university?

 Where did you want to make a change?

 What was the easiest country to convince to have a peace day?
 What kind of problems did you face creating a peace day?

Why did you do only one peace days and not more?

To what place did you want to go to make a big change?

What was your intention in making a peace day?

How many years did you try to make a peace day?

When did you start to think on a peace day?

Where did the idea came from?

What did you feel when some companies accepted you?

the twin towers fall

Questions for Jeremy Gilley

What did you feel when you were in New York announcing peace day and you knew that the Wall Trade Center was destroyed by airplanes on purpose?

You needed to convince people from different countries to help you with commercials, with money, with products, etc. ?

Who do you think was the most difficult person or company to convince?

Have you been in a war or at a place where people have died because of a war?

Why did you want to make a peace day?

What was your idea of what was going to happen after you inaugurated the peace day?

Jeremy Gilley

A day of peace. It seems lovely and hopeful to those of us lucky enough to live in peace already. But to those living in war, a day of peace, a temporary cease-fire, is not only lovely, it's incredibly practical. On a day when no bullets fly, families can go to the clinic, mosquito nets can be given out, and kids who've known only war can learn what peace looks like, sounds like. In short, it's a window of opportunity to build peace. For the past 10 years, filmmaker Jeremy Gilley has been promoting September 21 as a true international day of ceasefire, a day to carry out humanitarian aid in the world's most dangerous zones. The practical challenge is huge, starting with: how to convince both parties in a conflict to put down their weapons and trust the other side to do the same? But Gilley has recorded successes. For instance, on September 21, 2008, some 1.85 million children under 5 years old, in seven Afghan provinces where conflict has previously prevented access, were given a vaccine for polio.
On September 21, 2011, Gilley will start the 365-day-long countdown to Truce 2012, a hoped-for global day of guns-down ceasefire and worldwide action toward peace.
He says: "The only logical progression is to work towards a global cessation of hostilities on Peace Day -- from violence in our homes and schools, through to armed conflict."

Jeremy Gilley

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Thursday 7 February 2013

Regions and autonomous provinces that are struggling for Independence

Autonomous region or province struggling for independence Country
Cabinda (Angola)
Democratic Republic of Congo
Oromo (Ethiopia)
Western Sahara (Maroc)
Somaliland (Somalia)
Darfur (Sudan)

Autonomous region or province struggling for independence Country
Shan State North
Shan State South
Chin State
New Mon State
Palaung State
United Wa State
Balochistan (Pakistan)
Tamil (Sri Lanka)
Patani Malay Nation (Thailandia)

Autonomous region or province struggling for independence Country
Corsica (France)
Northern Ireland (United Kingdom)
Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan)
Chechnya (Russia)
Basque Country (Spain-France)
Trasnistria (Moldova)
South Ossetia

Middle East:
Autonomous region or province struggling for independence Country
Kurdistan (Iran, Iraq, Turkey)
Palestine (Israel)
hi hector