Tuesday 26 February 2013

Peace one day

1° Why not every day instead of one day?

2° Why did you continue to talk about peace one day if you knew that you weren´t convincing many countries?

3° Which country was the hardest to convince about having a peace day?

4° When you go to a country, do you make an appointment to talk to the president about your

5° To what people did you go to talk to about your idea?

6° How did you feel when you were in Afghanistan?

7° Why did you do a movie of the process for peace day?

8° About how many lives did you save when you made peace one day?

9° Why coca-cola and not pepsi or another company?

10° Do you like going to many countries to convince them to join in?

11° About how many people have you seen die in front of you?

12° How long did your project last until someone accepted your idea?

13° How many people rejected your idea?

14° How many people accepted and supported your idea?

Alejandra Morales

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